Friday, June 29, 2012

I would go to Maldives.I've never been there before.I just saw many pictures of Maldives.When I first saw the pictures immediately I made up my mind that one day I want to be there.I never seen like that beautiful place even pictures.There is so nice water.I would pack my BIKINI !!>.< I want to swim with the beautiful water.I don't know the place is going to be like the pictures.In addition,I thought it's really good place for honey moon I really want to be there... Do you guys know the Maldives??? If you guys don't know about that,you guys should be check the place!! I really recommend the place even I've never been there.Please check now.ok???It's not later~it's NOW~kkk
Let's enjoy with tomorrow's Disney Land(^0^)!!~~


  1. The Maldives, what a great place to spend a week of no worries, yet I've heard that soon there will be no Maldives due to global warming that is cousing the sea level to rais that will soon cover the Maldives.

  2. You should visit it as soon as possible before it dissapear due to the nature problem, and please take me with you :). I really want to go there to enjoy the sun and the sea <3
